Thursday, February 5, 2009

I've started walking again even though it is only 29 degrees outside!

On Monday, February 2nd I decided I needed to start walking even though it is freezing cold outside. In good weather I walk the nature path and decided to check it out to see if it was plowed. Hooray! The west side of the path was walkable so I bundled up in coat, gloves and scarf and started walking.
While I was walking I decided that I should have brought my camera so I could take pictures to post to my blog. Tuesday was too sunny for pictures so yesterday, camera in hand, I looked for things to take pictures of.

Here's the path. As you can see there are some snowy patches. The first year we lived here I fell quite a few times while walking in the snow. But I learned that if I take baby steps across the snow and ice and look down and watch where I'm going I can stay standing up!

Here is the footpath over the river. (The river is hidden under all the snow).

Another snowy patch. Notice the ice under the snow!

Do you see the train?

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